(Nursery) Work all night, sleep all day
Hello folks, I'm working first watch, which is police lingo for "who the heck works at this forsaken time of night?" And the answer would be a resounding "I do." Actually I like it so far. I work from 11 pm until 7 am and then I drive myself home in morning traffic bleary-eyed and sleep during the day. It's a much slower shift which is great on one hand but has it downfalls. Like, I can't call anyone. The other night, I had a case in Kahuku and I had to drive all the way out there at three in the morning. Ummm, I've only been to Kahuku twice, to the golf course, I didn't drive, and it was daytime. I'm so scared that I might just drive right through it and usually I call Scott to get better directions, it's kind of hard to look at the map book while driving the huge work SUV. But, I couldn't call Scott so i just had to wing it.
So, Scott is preaching this Friday night about the "sexual needs of a woman." You all should come...if you want to join me, I will be sitting outside in the courtyard the whole time. Apparently, my mother-in-law will be joining me. I don't know where this series in church is taking us but I'm thinking minichurch tomorrow night should be very very interesting. Might have to sit in with the single side of our minichurch and find out the scoops.
Tonight, we made an instrumental recording to accompany the children for their mother's day performance. I didn't hear it yet, Trevor took it home to tinker with. We had hoped to have a live band play with the kids but it's going to be pretty impossible now since our electric guitarist, Blaine, may be switching churches. I'm so bummed. He's the most amazing guitar player I've seen. I do get distracted in choir sometimes because I'm too busy watching him play and I forget to sing along to the song. We're really going to miss Blaine.
Every other Sunday, i work in the nursery. It's getting better, we were getting slammed the last two months but it's tapered off a little. I had to run to my car to get my camera and it just so happened that Mikey caught sight of me as I was dashing across the parking lot with one of my nursery babies, Hannah, in one arm and my keys in the other hand. He thought I had finally resorted to just stealing babies and I was trying to make a break for it.
(do you see the single tear? She's not a fan of us just yet...she loves her mommy too much)
(hee hee, this was Kahi'au's first time in the nursery, look at those big eyes...his sister has the same eyes...unbelievable...and I love the hair)
(just ignore the halo around kahiau, i had to lighten him because of the backlighting and I did a bad job...maybe I can fix it) Here is eli, my favorite. I know, you're not supposed to have favorites, but he is. They're supposed to move up to the next group when they can walk and he's been walking for two months. We're never letting him go. He's staying with us until he hits junior high.
hannah's eyes look stunning. i literally cannnot move.
hannah, is not in the pictures...the top one is Mia. Can you move now/
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