Saturday, April 5, 2008

My chair died last night

Not to sound like an old lady, but my hip starts to hurt when I have to sit for extended periods of time. Since my job often entails sitting at a desk writing reports, it gets a little stiff. I've been wanting to buy an exercise ball for a while because I've heard that they are really good to use as a replacement for your typical office chair. So, at Wal-mart the other day, and I bought the largest exercise ball they had.

I took it to my work cubicle. Let's just say, I spent the better part of an hour trying to pump it up since you're given only this little puny hand pump (which I think puffs in 5 parts air and lets out 4 parts air). But, once it was finished, I fell in love with my chair. I could sit cross-legged, I could stretch my was wonderful and kind of fun.

All of 24 hours later, last night, I came back from a case. Sat down to write up my notes. Was rolling around trying to get the most comfortable position and I heard a long


What the heck? I felt myself sinking and I jumped up to find that my exercise ball had punctured itself on my flashlight charger that had fallen to my cubicle floor. Oh!!! I applied firm pressure with my hand over the gaping hole and used my other hand to fish out fingerprinting tape from my bag. A few minutes later and I had a makeshift patch. I pumped it back up and kept using it.

But, alas, this afternoon when I returned to work, look what I found on my cubicle floor....

what used to be my office chair

Oh, my chair has died. Let's have a sad moment of remembrance. If you wish to leave a few kind words to honor the late, ironically named 75 cm Anti-burst exercise ball.


Joy April 7, 2008 at 2:44 AM  

Dear, dear 75cm Anti-burst Exercise Ball. He will be missed. I know how much you will miss his support. Please don't feel guilty, you did all you could. When it's your time it's your time. He's in a better place now. I'm thinking of you in this time of grief. :)

keao April 8, 2008 at 2:33 AM  

hah, that's funny joy. Come on joy, jump on the blogging wagon. I'll read it!!!

Joy April 8, 2008 at 8:42 PM  

I've thought about it but my life is pretty boring anymore. My days are pretty much same old same old. Maybe though.

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