Saturday, April 5, 2008

Aliya-"Happiness is cheetos and a slide"

This morning, after stupidly staying up until 3 in the morning at a diner with friends (okay, one hour was devoted to watching gilmore girls), Scott and I spent the morning watching Kawika and Pua's youngest daughter, Aliya. And, after the good 5-6 hours we spent together, I can still confidently say that I did not understand most of what she was saying. but, darn it, if she isn't the cutest kid.

I was deep in sleep at that unforgivable early hour when Kawika called like at 8 am and Scott answered the phone. Scott relayed Kawika's question "do you want to watch Isaiah too?" and from my deep slumber, I grumbled "not really." Now that I'm awake, I feel bad but we were pretty pathetic just watching Aliya. Scott kept trying to convince her to take a nap even though it was only 8:30 am and he never gave up. I guess she got tired of his bullying because she pointed at the mattress in the living room and told him to "go nehneh."

Her favorite word is also "no" which was loud and clear and one of the few words you instantly understood. The only problem is that "no" could mean "no" but it also could mean "yes."

Aliya: See fishies!!!

Us: You want to see the fishies?

Aliya: No.

And thus went a lot of conversations. Scott figured out that you have to ask the question and then immediately ask "yes" and she would answer "yes" if she really did want to.

She really is adorable and very well-behaved. Wandered around incessantly talking aloud, no real words that we could understand. She seemed to be talking in some sort of melody and I actually recognized it. I realized that she was singing "tomorrow" from the musical "annie." I kid you not. It was spot on...and adorable. All at home and in the store singing "tumahmoh, tumamoh." We took her to the playground where it was hot and tired us all out.
(first she found my froggie/toothbrush holder)
Luckily, mine already came.
(then she thought it was fun to step on her crackers, those who live with me know i love a clean floor)
The gentle giant lays down her trail of crumbs
( i think scott's having fun...but I think he's really too)
Babysitting Aliya (Scott and Aliya)
(she stopped in the middle of the slide to take a cheetos break)
Which is better? To slide or eat cheetos?
(here she is running to "uncle sot"
Aliya running free
(i love this one...especially the faint traces of cheetos if you look closely)


Scott Sunaoka April 6, 2008 at 12:08 AM  

that's funny, no mention of me waking up early to watch her and you taking a nap after waking up while i continued to watch her...

Scott Sunaoka April 8, 2008 at 3:21 PM  

it's amazing how much this little girl looks like baby lala...

keao April 9, 2008 at 9:20 AM  

ha probably think you are just so clever huh?

I agree!!!

keao April 9, 2008 at 9:20 AM  

ha probably think you are just so clever huh?

I agree!!!

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