Monday, April 14, 2008

(Friends) Swinging Small Sticks

We went miniature golfing yesterday...I wanted to put my pictures up. I'm sure Scott will blog more here about the day so I will be brief. Let's just say that the night before was my first night off in the week...and my body had just adjusted to staying up all night so I could not fall asleep. Much like my post where I posted "should I or shouldn't I...wake Scott up?" I had the same deja vu scenario and this time the vote was for "yes." A whopping 1-0 win for "yes." I thought this at 2 am but I waited until 3 am so he had enough sleep in my opinion. Eventually he did fall back asleep but I stayed up until about 8 am and then Scott woke me up at 8:30 am. So, I was miserable and cranky. And I would have loved to have stayed home but there were various factors that kept screwing me over.

Leilani said she was coming so I wanted to be there in case she did come. So I went...and she didn't come until much later. And then we were going to eat lunch after golfing and Scott said he could drop me off at my sister's house to sleep...but then Josh said he was going to meet us for I skipped sleep some more...but he didn't even make it on time so it was a tough no-sleep day. But I did sleep afterward and I woke up in time for Steve's birthday barbecue...where he cooked all the food. Good birthday boy.

(yes, it's a waterpark but it also has miniature golf)
ignite miniature golf 006

(hello tiki man)
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(I just love the expression on Steve's face. What the heck is he thinking about?)
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(this was my golfing group, Joy and Matt...we had a lot of fun when I wasn't yawning)
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(joy, she's so brave...she jumped in the canoe for me. Matt took too long but Joy just got right in)
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(joy took this one...this is me looking for my golf ball. Scott's group was taking to long in front of us so matt and I tried to see where the ball would go if you threw it in the waterfall...this is us looking for it)
ignite miniature golf 063

PS. Scott preached twice this past weekend. Our church is doing a short series on the "sex needs of men and women." I know, a radical topic for a church but it falls under the relationships umbrella. And this past weekend was the "needs of a woman," and I guess they felt Scott qualified as an expert. Hee hee. But he did really well. Despite my threats to boycott the sermon, I did sit in and only experience one serious giggling fit. You may not be able to hear Scott preach it but you can hear the topic and even download the sermon at Hope Chapel's website.


Joy April 14, 2008 at 9:34 PM  
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Joy April 14, 2008 at 9:38 PM  

I don't know if I'm brave or I easily give into peer pressure :) I like the Tiki man. Are you going to post anymore pics?

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