Friday, April 18, 2008

Turn on the blue light

Ooops. I mean big oops. I was racing to work...not really racing..but I wasn't paying attention and I guess I was flying down the Pali to work. At 10:45 pm, there are no cars to slow you down...or, for that fact, to help you keep pace. And as I hit the last stretch right before the on-ramp...I saw the familiar shape of my fellow blue-and-white sticking out of some side street. Turn on the blue lights. Keao, pull over into some desolate, sad side street. Oh, let's not mention...slyly turn off my portable DVD player that was playing friends (I'm just listening to it, NOT watching it) and try to slide it under some guitar music. Ope...just remembered, don't have my license on me cause I don't know where it was. Was looking for it earlier which made me leave not so early for work, which made me go faster than my permanent 10-over-the-speed-limit.

Here he comes, with the gruff "you're going 50-something in a 35 mph zone." Sorry officer...had no license so I had to hold him my only form of ID beyond some leftover christmard card addressed to H.P.D. picture ID. So embarassing. He let me off (I totally didn't ask for it, I deserved a ticket!!!) but not without noticing as he walked away that "hey, get your safety check, it expired in january!" In honor of Homer Simpson, DOII!! Of course, as he followed me out of the sad little side street, I know he was noticing my broken brake light. Gosh-darn embarrassing. Hey, I'm a goody-two shoes...I hate crossing feet with authority...even when I work for that authority.

PS. "crossing feet" is a new expression...see if it catches on

So tired...but I woke up a little early to go walking with the Mely girls (mel, joy, and lisa). I started it off just as a way to hang out with Mel once a week but we love joy and lisa so we expanded. They're great fun and you can just talk about anything with them. Then I had worship practice and that included Clinton and Kacie...such proud beaming parents. They put a little clip of their son taking a mean fall. That's the kind of parent I want to be. Keep your kids humble. Never let them forget their mistakes. Heck, youtube it. Nah, seriously, they are so cool


Anonymous April 18, 2008 at 10:39 AM  

man you are so lucky that you work for HPD. So many people are getting busted the other night going up the pali, there were 8 cars pulled over by cops, 8 freakin cars on the pali being pulled over. I hear they are really crackin down on HRS 291c-105 which if you get caught for that one you better beg they don't give you a ticket. that one has some severe punishments, but if you ever do, and if i ever get my law license i will so defend you for free, like the first time.

Scott Sunaoka April 18, 2008 at 12:47 PM  

so lame, just because you're a hot chick...

keao April 19, 2008 at 8:21 AM know all the right things to say. And look at John-John showing off his fancy "lawyer" talk...but what do you mean by "first time?"

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