Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sad that UH lost but not surprised

This morning we took Charlie to the vet and discovered that he has to continue wearing the cone for an unspecified amount of time and now we have to change his foot bandaging every day. *SIGH* And then I went to "Pinky's restauraunt" in Kailua with Scott, Joy, and Abbey. Mikey, Stanton, and John came and met us after work. I think some of us were more there for the opportunity to eat appetizers. we had a fun round robin where tried to order a different appetizer every quarter (or more every Funaki interception). The restaurant was a little empty when we first got there...shocking for two on a Friday afternoon. But it filled up fast. We sat at a table surrounded by three tvs and there were some people at the bar watching a high definition tv. We figured out that there was a slight four second delay when we would start yelling at an unbelievable catch or tackle and the ten heads at the bar would whip around to look at us. Oh, sorry...i guess it's kind of like shouting out what's going to happen in a movie. So, we tried very hard to delay our yells and look over to the bar's tv to see when we could lay it out....I tried to just yell twice to throw them off and Scott was just yelling for no good reason.

Watching TV: there is on scary infomercial for a product called "Smooth Away" a crystal covered pad that "smooths away" unwanted hair. That looks scary.

I do want to buy that "peticure" thing though...that infomerical has me sold.


Scott Sunaoka October 18, 2008 at 11:37 AM  

yeah, too bad they lost. there's still a slight, albeit unrealistic, chance that they'll win the wac (boise, san jose st and fresno would all have to lose spectacularly). so with that said, i am now rooting for boise to run the table and get to another bcs bowl game. pinky's was fun. we should do that more often.

Joy October 19, 2008 at 12:35 AM  

I'm all for hitting Pinky's again, that was fun. Bummer that our guys lost. It was so funny how te people at the bar would give us stink eye. You know when you think about it we were really nice not yelling until afterwards. I doubt they would have, then again maybe they would have, who knows.

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