Saturday, October 18, 2008

L an N Wedding-Waialae Beach

I mentioned in my earlier post that I had three weddings in two days. This was the second wedding on that Friday at Waialae Beach. I had charged up my canon batteries overnight but I forgot that Scott keeps the power strip off to conserve my trusty canon died as we were gearing up for the second ceremony to start. Horrors. Fortunately, we just got new digital cameras at work, a very nice higher-end Nikon digital camera. It's going to take a while before we can actually use them at work, they have to come up with protocols for usage and photo submission, and then with training, so our boss told us we could take it home and practice with it. It just has a stock lens but man, it still takes great pictures. It saved my butt.

It was kind of a hurried day so I never even found out the second couples' names. So I walked up to the bride, held out my hand and said "Hi, I'm Keao...I'm your photographer for today." She shook my hand and said "Hi." Darn it, no name. I moved on and walked over to the groom and tried again...again, I was met with a "Hi, nice to meet you." Darn, no names again. So, I had to just hope I would overhear their names, and I called them Liz and Noah the whole time, only to find out his name was Noel. Ooooh, so close. Photography Tip #2: Always find out their names...their correct names. Hee hee. She had beautiful skin and this red hair that was gorgeous. I wonder if she ever dressed up as the Little Mermaid. They even had a dove release in their ceremony and I made sure to up my shutter speed super high to catch the birds. It caught them perfectly still...I almost wish I could play around with the shutter speed so that I could get a little blur on the wings to show movement. hmmm, maybe i can convince Scott to catch me some birds and then practice releasing them one at a time.

this is the the type of shot I see on a lot of photog's shots...the urban bride lookaren't we at the beach?

Liz and Noel Wedding Oct 10

Who gives this woman?

Dove release at beach wedding


Scott Sunaoka October 18, 2008 at 11:39 AM  

you should ask mikey to catch birds for you. he used to try to catch them all the time at camp. i think several times he got pretty close. but he can snag a few, i'll totally release them one by one.

Joy October 31, 2008 at 2:47 AM  

I don't know how I keep missing some of your posts. I think it's because I just click onto thwe post that is showing directly from my page. Whichever happens to be there comes up. I have to remember to just click on your whole blog. Oh well. Great shots as always by the way.

I think if Scott realllly loved you he would tell you he would do anything he can for you. Hehe ;)

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