Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Warrior Football Season Has Begun!!!!

If you have seen the glowing anticipation on particular faces and been reading Scott's blog, you know that UH football season has begun. As Scott informed me while we were doing our pre-marital sessions, he said "keao, when you marry me, you marry UH football." And, yes, UH did get trounced in their first game away against the Florida Gators (was that really such a shocker?), my marriage vows did promise through better or worse.

To welcome Scott back, we spent our first morning babysitting little miss "Haley." Her dad, uncle, grandpa...well, she comes from a heritage of UH football fans. So, Scott and I set up this shoot as a gift to "Grandpa Rob." Little Haley was a little tired so she didn't stay too long in our set-up. She doesn't quite cry, she makes disgruntled grunts...until eventually she cries. And it was so stinking hot today...when does this heat go away? I can't wait until winter.

She seems to love the taste of plastic. She sampled all our remotes. This is my lens backing.

Yummmyyyy!!! So 'ono.

Go warriors!!!

The next generation in Warrior fans.

Hi Little Miss Sunshine!!!!

Miles of smiles

In Photoshop, I experimented with Filter>Sharpen>Unsharp Mask. On the last picture, it gave her shirt all that beautiful texture. Then I just masked the rest and removed the sharpening effect on the rest of the photo. On the first photo, I used the "unsharp mask" to accent her eyes and I really like the effect.

Scott leaves for Japan in a week so I took a few days off for this weekend. So I have five whole days to relax and enjoy myself while Scott apparently goes to the UH football game this Saturday. Tomorrow, my older sister and I are taking the toddler, Lauren, and one of the twins to the Children's Discovery Center. Tonight, we got some news someone in our family is having a tough time so pray for my family, it's not a good week for us.


Scott Sunaoka September 4, 2008 at 11:01 AM  

great pics again keao! can't wait until saturday. i hope you're going to be there.

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