Saturday, September 13, 2008

The twins at 4 months

So, Scottie has gone to his native land, Yapan as he likes to call it. It was complicated by the fact that I lost my license and credit card about a week ago. Figured it was just somewhere but I just really couldn't find it. Worse, because they were doing inspections at work and they check your work ID and your license. Thank God they must have overlooked my watch because they didn't show up in the three nerve-wracking days they were supposed to come. So Scott left me with some cash to survive on while he was gone...with questionable concerns about how I would get more money since I have no ID for the bank. To get a new license, my birth certificate and passport are in Scott's safety deposit box (I'm not on the account, his mom is...but she's on a trip) and they're both in my maiden name anyways. Sheesh. Yesterday, my sister needed me to take Lauren for the night while she went to a birthday dinner.

So, Lauren's in my car, I'm trying to run to church...stop by the in-laws to feed the back to my house to get candles and matches for Pete's birthday cupcakes...trying to call Jasen to see if Pete is really at church...and suddenly, I can't find my cell phone. WHAT? No license, no credit card, and now no phone. If I could have called Scott, I am sure he would have had a better idea of where my stuff was than I did. I'm using the house phone to call it, running around in the dark of night and... nothing. Then I whacked my head trying to get in the car (I must have misjudged my own height) and my vision did get a little gray for two seconds. On the short chance it fell out of the car at the in-laws, I take a flashlight and I'm searching their driveway with Lauren sitting in the car. This, of course, draws the attention of their neighbor whose house is five feet from their house. I must have looked like a maniac. I found my phone after church. It was in my car...the ringer wasn't off, it had just acquired this weird red circle sign that I never saw before.

So found my phone, and today, while meticulously cleaning my room, i found my license and credit card in our closet. What a turn-around from last night. I think the wind is changing.

The twins turned 4 months old a week ago. I always take pictures of them in Darilyn's room because she has the most light. This week, I was a little surprised to see she had a black sheet on her bed so it was a new background for me. I used Darilyn's hot pink laundry basket with a pillow in it and a white puffy "winter coat?" she had. Why does she need a winter coat? She lives in Waipahu!!! Well, it worked in my favor.


Cheyenne is fascinated by something on the wall


Chayne getting ready for a bath

I think sibling rivalry is setting in a little more as the twins get older. Lauren, who for a year and a half was my only photography subject now finds herself sharing the spotlight with not just one, but two more girls. I think she misses being the center of attention, what do you think?

Storyboard of a little sibling rivalry


Scott Sunaoka September 15, 2008 at 1:54 AM  

wow, the twins are getting big. cheyenne looks so alert and cheyne looks so asian...hee hee. i'll be home before you know it.

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