Sunday, September 21, 2008

Now what?

The past two days, my mantra was "If I can just make it to sunday afternoon...If I can just make it to Sunday afternoon...If I can just make it...." You get the picture. Well, it's sunday afternoon and now my mind is confused and rambling " what? what?...."

I'm so mad I couldn't find my video camera....I have no idea where it is. This is when I need Scott because he always seems to know where my stuff is. We had our rehearsal for our children's worship team and I wish I could show you a video. I keep calling them the "choir" but they're actually called the AllStars Worship Team. Can I first give props to my angels, Kevin and Joy!!! I mean, Joy's a little more obvious as an angel but you might as well stick a halo on Kevin's head and glue some wings to his back because he was an angel today. Kevin ran the sound which means he set up and broke down all the sound equipment (even helped me carry Scott's amp from the car). Joy was my kid-herder and gave me constant feedback. Scott wasn't here so I had to play the guitar which put me on the stage behind the kids so I kept having to yell "What does that sound like, Joy?"

It was a loooonnnggg rehearsal. I think they're a lot better with the mics than they were at the Mother's Day Rehearsal. And Joy gave me a lot of ideas because my whole vision went out the door, it was just too complicated. So we tried four different ways and then we just made a line. A line. All my plans (I even drew a formation diagram) and we're just making a line. *sigh* But the simple way is so much easier. And Kevin, what would we do without Kevin? He's always so willing to help and always with a smile.

Come to church next weekend to see their performance: Try come on Sunday, Friday might be a rough one since it will be their first real time.


Joy September 22, 2008 at 2:06 AM  

I understand the whole "just make it until..." mantra. I have employed it quite often. Though sometimes it doesn't work as well as I would have hoped.

I think you gave me too much credit. I actually sat there thinking 'poor Keao I wish I was more help'. You did a great job though. It's never easy to corral a bunch of kids and get them to do something. Once they started to sing they were really great. It was just the in between times that got a little out of hand. But even that wasn't bad. And they are kids. Some rowdiness is to be expected.

Thanks for the weird mental picture of Kevin. The first thing that popped into the brain was Kevin with little fluffy wings, a crooked halo and a toga. I might just be traumatized for life!

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