Thursday, July 24, 2008

Umbrellas have feelings too!!!

Wow, people really jumped off the blogging wagon. Hah, that won't discourage me. More room on the road now.

I switch to third watch next week (3 pm to 11 pm) so I'm trying to enjoy my last few nights of unfettered watching as many movies as I possibly can. Last night, I wanted to watch Journey to the Center of the Earth but Scott wasn't too sold so it was only on the list of possibilities. I came up with this idea. I've always wanted to take Kawika and Pua's kids to give them a little time so I pitched the idea to Scott. Let's take Sarai and Isaiah to see "Journey to the Center of the Earth." Everybody wins. We have some extra movie passes. Kawika and Pua can relax a little more. The kids get to see a movie. And it also swung favor definitely my way and upped "Journey" over Scott's "Mamma Mia" choice. Kawika dropped the kids off at our house right before the movie. Everyone is in the kitchen and I hear Sarai saying something softly and Kawika erupting "Sarai, don't say it like that. Tell them how you said it in the car!!!" and Scott's real loud laugh. I guess Sarai doesn't really want to see "Journey to the Center of the Earth" because the preview looks a little scary. What? Great. What am I going to do, drag the poor girl who is so sweet to a movie that might possibly give her nightmares. So we look up the other movies and we choose "Wall-E." Anything is better than Isaiah's suggestion of "Space Chimps." But Scott got a great laugh over how the kids I invited foiled my plans to watch "Journey."

The movie was really great. I sat between Isaiah and Scott because Scott doesn't like talkers in movies. I'm a talker and Isaiah is defintely a talker. He's five and he has a slightly high-pitched voice that really carries. I was cracking up at him as much as I laughed at the movies. He just has these spontaneous thoughts that just come out...and they come out really really loud. There would be some mellow lull in the movie and


would seriously fill the entire theatre. Oh, so funny. I tried to explain the concept of whispering to him but he was a little distracted by the movie.

That boy is so creative. He should seriously be an actor. He decided that he was now a part of the movie. As we walked out, he informed everyone that he was the umbrella robot. He kept warning us "You better not say Wall-E because then I'm going to pop open." In the car, he kept talking about giving us shade and his sister finally shushed him. He got quiet so I was worried that his feelings were hurt. I looked back and he was sitting in the backseat looking so morose. Poor thing. I was just about to console him when he said "you guys only want me when you need shade." I just started laughing. He had really become the umbrella remote. Heck, he was getting mad that we were taking advantage of his umbrella ways.

The movie was really good. Really funny and neat. I still want to see "Journey" though. Rats.
I looked far and wide but I don't have any photos of Sarai and Isaiah. I do have tons of their little sister Aliya (who we had to leave at home because she wouldn't sit still long in that movie theatre). We did say hi to her when she dropped off our siblings. When we were leaving their house, she said bye and asked if we were going to the beach. So cute.

2007 Revisited-Hi aliya!!!


Scott Sunaoka July 24, 2008 at 11:25 AM  

you know, i really did enjoy wall-e. i think i would see it again if given the chance. plus, it had such a strong enviornmental message (i like movies that appear innocent but really have a strong green propaganda slant).

chubbs July 24, 2008 at 1:36 PM  

i liked wall-e too. the pixar guys tell great stories. isaiah is just too cute though! haha.. i was just telling my mom the other day about isaiah and all the funny comments he makes when watching alvin and the chipmunks.

i saw journey... and thought it was umm.. better than i thought it was going to be.

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