Friday, July 18, 2008

More HB-5 months

Joy pointed out that the pics of HB aren't the most happy. I sometimes forget the distinction. I look at a photo and see...oh, good composition, great lighting and colors. Most people see...oh, how come the baby isn't smiling. So, we may not have gotten many smiles on camera but here's a few more expressions.

what a funny smile

oh, is she surprised to see me

she's looking at her mommy

I called in sick yesterday...I think I developed some weird sort of heartburn/possible cardiac problem. I have these weird burning cramps right behind my sternum. I don't like to go to the doctor when I can save myself the copay and google the symptoms. Didn't seem to find anything that specifically matched my symptoms so I had to create a new hybrid syndrome, a cross between heartburn and a heart attack. Boy, I hope it leans more towards the heartburn. And like any good "google-educated" doctor, I came up with a treatment plan of a non-spicy or acidic diet, no soda, and lots of milk and ice cream. Seems to be working. By last night, I was well enough to go to dinner at Chris and Leya's house and meet their baby girl, Lily. She really does look like a mini-Chris except she has these really big, dark eyes.

So my naughty niece ran away from home again. She's been gone the entire week. My sister managed to find a phone number and we tracked her down. Google is such an amazing device. I wish I didn't have to work today so I could go pick her up and my sister wouldn't have to load up three babies into a car. My coworker suggested that I take a lunch break and use a blue-and-white to pick her up. Hmmmph!!! maybe I should. But at least I'm relieved that we found her. Did I mention that Scott and I are sending our kids to board at Kamehameha Schools, even if they don't get in.

Next to come: children's church camp pictures


Scott Sunaoka July 19, 2008 at 6:31 PM  

hey when did you add to this post? i don't remember reading all of this. anyway, i love haley's expressions.

Joy July 19, 2008 at 7:11 PM  

Sorry I like these pictures better then the other ones. As much as I like a well composed picture it's the expressions that I love the most.

How many times has this niece run away?!? Your poor sister. Glad she's back now.

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