Thursday, July 10, 2008

There's no real happy ever after

When Scott and I got married, I personally vowed that we wouldn't morph into those married couples that only have married friends. I love my single friends and I don't want to give that world up. And I thought we were doing a pretty good job at maintaining and growing those relationships...up until recently. Now, when I bow out of invites because of prior engagements or just plain utter fatigue, i get this strange nod and the "yah, that's because you guys are married now." uh huh, that is true. we are married. now. I can't argue with that. I just don't know what it means when used as a response. Is my busy schedule seen as sort of cop-out? Am I no longer if I have somehow forgotten about 28 years of singleness after 11.5 months of marriage. I suddenly feel like I don't belong in my own world. So it got me started reminiscing about if "single" keao was really that different from "married" keao.

For starters, "single" keao didn't always enjoy being single but had to fake it at times. My college girlfriends were the cast of "sex-in-the-city" misplaced five thousand miles from New York. Except, I always felt a little more "Charlotte" than a "Miranda." (Sorry, you might have had to watch the show to get that un-Seinfield reference). I wanted to get married...I wanted a day. If you know me, like my sisters, I've been gifted with the baby-crazy genes. Course, I didn't feel I could run around shouting it at the top of my lungs lest I be banned from participating in the rousing arm-pumping, group dance when Destiny Child's call to all "Independant Women" blared from the club's speakers.

It was almost a relief when I found a few new friends in mini-church who whispered that they were praying that God would send their husbands already. I know girls who have prayed...prayed...made lists...prayed....even get the gist. I marveled at people my age who were already married. Their grass seemed so green. Mine wasn't green...heck, there didn't even seem to be grass in my lawn. And there's that fear that follows you, are all your efforts to find possibilities a big joke because God has given you the feared "gift of singleness." One of the most comforting things I ever heard was a older, professional married woman who was just sharing testimony at a women's workshop. And she flashed back to her walk as a single Christian woman and all the worries of wondering whether she would ever get married. What? Even those shiny-happy people with green lawns are just as flawed and worried as me?

As Scott and I hit our one-year anniversary in about 2 weeks, I realize that your grass doesn't get greener, it just turns a different color. I love Scott and finding him/making it work was worth all the bad mistakes, bad relationships, and years of worrisome nothing. But there's no happy ever after once you hit a wedding day. It's just a slight jump from one ramp to the next. I asked another married friend how long she had been married and she said "two years" followed by an exclamation "woo hoo, we made it." As if we hit the magical ending of the movie, and we can now roll the credits. We teased her about it for a while but it was a funny take on...this is just the beginning of hard stuff. My grass isn't greener. I'm happier but not because I'm better. If I'm a different keao, its not just because I'm married. It's because I'm trying to grow up.

I feel like that song...I'm just trying to "find my place in this world." Bear with me.
(Stolen from scott's youtube. my wedding slideshow)


Unknown July 10, 2008 at 5:34 PM  

I didn't really know single keao, she came a long after i left for the big rock in between the pacific and atlantic, but i do know the married keao and the married scott, and while it does seem like you guys are busier, i don't think it is because you guys are married, I think it more comes with the territory of your husband's jobs. As he adds ministry (i.e. the sports thing, that just adds to the business) either way I think ya'all are the same cool people I have come to know and love and appreciate those fun times where we do get to hang out, by the way you should get scuba certified so you can be busier but at least hangin out with us underwater, which is great cause you get to hang out with people but don't really have to talk with them

keao July 10, 2008 at 5:51 PM  

so it's scott's fault? Oh, that's why you were always my favorite best man (truth is...I, not Scott, chose you). you've got a good point. So you think it's more of a pastor's wife thing, not a regular wife thing?

Unknown July 10, 2008 at 6:27 PM  

haha i try not to think, it makes my skull hurt or whatever is in it, but yeah being a pastor's wife is a tough job, or so i heard from a movie of a similar name, although i never watched it but someone read me the synopsis once.

Scott Sunaoka July 10, 2008 at 7:27 PM  

i'm happy :)

Joy July 10, 2008 at 9:38 PM  

You know it's funny how so much of our lives are made up of other people's expectations. I was talking to a my sister when I was in Ohio about how that now that they got married I was really catching the 'so have you met someone' flak. And we were talking about how it's always that, then when you met someone it's when are you getting married. Then when are you having kids. If it's not one thing it's another. I've been really trying to be content in the moment. I'm not going to please everybody so I'm trying not to stress too much about it. You know where I stand with you guys. Don't let them get you down.

P.S. Are you thinking of the Michael W. Smith song, "Place In This World"

keao July 11, 2008 at 11:29 AM  

joy, that's exactly the song. And I try never to ask single people that question. I think I tried to ask you once about a guy (ooh la la) and you brought that up...that couples always try to pressure their single friends. I take that to heart. So right.

And yes, it's true. If I never hear that question "when are you two going to have kids?" I would be so happy. I just got married, can I just get used to that. But I'm glad I got to rant and I feel so much better/freer.

Joy July 11, 2008 at 8:45 PM  

It's good to rant and vent sometimes. And I have to say I don't see much difference in 'married Keao' and 'single Keao' so I don't know what people of talking about.

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