Sunday, March 2, 2008

Guest Visit from Photographer Scott

No, these weren't by me. Scott gave me a paid-for certificate to get scuba diver certified (I don't even know the term) two somewhat years ago. It's still in it's original blue folder with the dive video the store wants back. But he did go diving yesterday with our friend, Keidi, the girl with short blonde hair in all the pictures. I'm super depressed to hear that Keidi will be leaving us for Florida by this summer, she came to our sleepover, and she is an AWESOME awesome girlfriend. Scott says the water is Keidi's element. Seasickness, however, is Scott's element. He was sick all day yesterday and said he even threw up during the boat ride. I think I made it worse. Last night, I made some curtains and wanted to put them up when I got home from work a little before midnight. Of course, the two windows are right over our I was trying to softly step over his head as I put the two curtains up but I guess I woke him up. He opened up one eye and growled "can you stop moving the bed...I'm getting seasick all over again." (or something to that effect)

Photo 1: Keidi somewhere under the water, I have no idea where they are.

Photo 2: Keidi completely ignoring the state laws that state you must stay at least fifteen feet from the endangered turtles (honu)

Nah, just joking...I mean the law is real...but one summer back home on the Big Island, me and my friends would grab onto the turtle's shells and make them pull us around underwater.

Photo 3: I'm thinking Keidi is on the left and that might be John-John on the right. I don't even know if he went, but there's some studly guy who looks like him.

Photo: Cute little turtles having a morning snack

Underwater Tutorial Before and After


Scott Sunaoka March 3, 2008 at 12:29 PM  

notice the huge knife on keidi's leg! i think she was protecting us from sharks. by the way, the turtle law only applies if you're approaching the turtle. if they approach you they can get as close as they want. sheesh, stinkin' reptile double-standards.

Anonymous March 5, 2008 at 10:54 PM  

Yeah, what Scott said; and you forgot to post the picture where the turtle was charging me! It was a good thing I had my knife.

Sharks were much more likely after Scott chummed the water :/

What a sweet dive; thanks for posting the pics.

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