Friday, March 28, 2008

Do you like to fluff it up or do you like the wedge? (Memoirs of marriage part 1)

Pre-marital counseling hit the major points but left out some of the little and finer points that you don't discover until you're drenched in marital bliss. One thing we learned Scott and I differ on is the answer to this question:

Do you like the "wedge method" or do you like the "fluff method?"

And, yes, you guess it, we are talking about that wonderful starchy fluffy concoction "rice." I usually like to just cut a wedge of rice and plop the whole wedge on my plate...Scott likes to use a rice paddle and fluff the entire pot of rice. Eh, so minahs. I thought so too until two months into our marriage (i guess that is when the honeymoon fades), it hit me one morning that I hate "fluffed rice." I'm always trying to race to get my rice before someone fluffed it and I'd be so bummed if I didn't make it in time. We had to come up with some sort of compromise...he'll always save me a wedge and fluff up the rest.

Geez, they should cover important things like this in those marriage books.


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