Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wedding Bells-Heather and Brandon

A month ago, I got an call from Moana Bjur, from Sands of Time Weddings. I've photographed weddings for her before and I have always loved her weddings. They're beautiful down to the smallest details and so well-organized, which I love (I'm a high S and C in the DISC personality tests). This time was different because she also needed an officiant and so, my hubby, Scott got a call too and we got to work together. The couple, Heather and Brandon, had asked for the officiant to wear a solid colored shirt, preferably blue. I was thinking a muted blue or maybe a navy. But, no, the morning of the wedding Scott pulled out this bright, vivid blue shirt. He insisted on it, saying it was a "non-aloha" aloha shirt. I don't know what that means. Thankfully, he didn't steal the spotlight because all eyes were on the Heather and Brandon. The groom, Brandon, is stationed nearby on the Kaneohe Bay Marine and the men were in their dress blues. I've never been to a Marine wedding. Although we had colder weather this past few months, the morning was pretty warm and I didn't envy the groomsment in their uniforms.

Kailua Beach is our stomping grounds but I have never been to a wedding there. It was a young, fun wedding...including the classical procession music played from the groom's jeep, the bride going barefoot under her beautiful strapless gown, and of course, the family having way too much fun with the formal portraits. We also had a few beach-goers who sat nearby and watched the whole wedding. That's Kailua, my old hometown for you. I tried my best to try to photoshop out the shirtless old man sitting in the sand behind the whole ceremony


Scott Sunaoka February 6, 2009 at 12:38 AM  

hmm, i wonder why i'm so not in these pictures...i know that i'm not the focal point, but i was an integral part of the wedding. j/k. i do love that picture of them pulling the couple apart!

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