Friday, February 27, 2009

You can't handle the truth

So, a part of my job is being able to testify in court. It was a part of my training, I had to testify in a mock trial. I thought I did really well, but my coworker and I got blasted out of the water in our evaluation and it depressed me. I've gotten subpoena-d (what is the past tense of subpoena?)twenty times at least but have goten away with never having to testify in the last year and half.

My luck ran out this past Monday. I can't go into details. I can tell you this. I had to wake up freaking early to check in a circuit court at 8:30 in the morning. I met a coworker at work at seven am to ride together. So, first, I had to find my court clothes...thankfully I found the pants in the back of our closet. Then I was running out of time, and i couldn't find my makeup bag. I found part of it and just grabbed it and ran to my car.

It wasn't until I got to work that I really started to evaluate my "court" attire. I guess my pinstriped pants doesn't really match my nice fitted gray jacket. In fact, in the sunlight, the pants look way more brown than gray. The worst is when I opened my makeup bag and discovered that I had stocked it for make-up for my last big 80's themed birthday party in October. No lipstick and only a palette of bright neon eyeshadows. I kid you not, not a subtle color anywhere there. I had to settle with the fuschia and hope it melded in..especially when I started to turn red on stand. I also used some of the eyeshadow as a hint of lip color. I was the MacGyver of make-up. But, if you got past all that...I looked good!!!

I did have to resist the urge to blurt out "You can't handle the truth" when I was asked my name and occupation. And I have no idea what I was saying sometimes because I just kept fixating on whether I should fold my hands on my lap or on the counter. I wish I wasn't such a nervous dork sometimes.


Joy February 27, 2009 at 6:55 AM  

Ok that's pretty hilarious! I can so see you on the witness stand getting all up in the lawyers face yelling "you can't handle the truth!" I hope it went well after everything. It has to be pretty scary.

Scott Sunaoka February 27, 2009 at 4:45 PM  

i think you should be more of a marisa tomei type character from my cousin vinny. well, hopefully it will get easier over time.

keao March 1, 2009 at 12:05 AM  

thanks for the encouragment...looks like I'll be visiting the courtroom again in March...

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