Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Learn and Earn

Hi guys, sorry I haven't been around. I had multiple health issues last week...last week was not good for me. I actually called in sick for three nights...and it's not like my job is that taxing on the midnight shift. But I'm getting better and feeling hopeful. I am a little nervous about the situations brewing in the lives of some of my closest friends...we are not talking little stresses, but huge life challenges. Scott and I went for a walk before work and we talked about whether we would do high school over again. The problems and stress was definitely manini back then, but so was our ability to cope with them. I definitely feel more capable now, but a little overwhelmed with the enormity of some of these issues. So, please keep 2008 in prayer, y'all.

I was unable to visit my twinnies because I was spewing out germs everywhere but we finally went over on Saturday. Cassan was all nervous that I was going to wake them up...she kept saying "what? you can't do that...you wake them up and you die." Ok, maybe not the last part, but she pretty much said it with her eyes.

(Cheyenne and Chayne...yes, Chayne is smaller but the pose makes her look even smaller)

Twin nieces-1 week old

(so cute their little feet)

Sisters forever-friends always

Just Chayne by herself...Cheyenne was waking up already. (they are so not on the same schedule)

Chayne-1 week outside makes you tired

On the news today, there was mention of a program called Learn and Earn, a program that pays low-income students in Georgia $8 an hour for enrolling in afterschool curriculum. There's a lot of controversy, but, personally, I think its a great idea. Some of my thoughts:

The 13 years in the education system does not accurately reflect the 50 years you are going to spend in the job force.
-in a job, you are paid to work. in school, you pay to do the work
-in a job, inadequate work gets you fired, in school, you have to stay longer.
-in a job, you get money!!! in school, you get...letters. wow, exciting.

Personally, I always struggled to motivate kids to do the work and put in the time. You can get most of the kids through cajoling, talking, eye-brow raising, screaming, pleading, bargaining...and then there are those who just won't do it. And who can blame them. How many jobs would you be willing to work if you had to get up at 5:30 in the morning, spend 7 hours at your workplace, do another 2-3 hours of work at home and you're not even getting paid for it. It sucks. Sure, it's about the reward of learning, but not every kid appreciates that reward. Trust me, I've met them. I think the idea is cool...radical...but I think they need new ideas in the education system. Now, if I could only get someone to pay me for cleaning my own house.


Scott Sunaoka May 20, 2008 at 6:20 PM  

nice pics. i would have never guessed that those were taken on darilyn's bed.

oh yeah, i would totally go back to high school. i was a total stud.

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