Friday, May 2, 2008

(L & S) Sleeping gets complicated

I'm getting a little worried about the next few days. I have tomorrow night off but one night is too short to try to change your sleeping schedule. So, I'll probably stay up most of it but then Saturday I have the women's conference and then Scott is preaching that night. But then I go back to work so I have to sleep sometime. And the next day, Sunday, I have a rehearsal after church so my sleep is going to get jacked again. At least it wasn't as bad as last week.

Last week, I had my days lined up so I had three nights in a row. So we decided to babysit Lauren and see if she would spend the night. The one time we tried before, she screamed until three in the morning and then slept lightly while pitifully sniffling in her sleep. It was real sad. This time she seemed to be doing really really well. I was the one dying of sleepiness so I fell asleep first on the couch. Scott woke me up an hour later and there was lauren sitting on top of me sleeping. So we moved her to the bed on the floor and it all seemed like it was going well.

Fast-forward to 2:45 am when she woke up again and started crying. Oh, poor thing, I just hugged her a little and turned the TV on...thank God, cable has at least like 4 channels with cartoons on it. actually, at first, we watched my taping of Gilmore Girls. I figured, heck, she's one...she probably doesn't understand. Maybe she thought it was a real lackluster comics. Then around 4, I put her cartoons on and I lay on the couch. She came up and wanted to lie on the couch too. It was real sweet. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know, I'm getting lightly, but firmly whacked in the face. I open my eyes and she's staring at me. When she saw my eyes were open, she turned her head and started watching the tv again. hmmm, got tired again. Started to fall asleep again. Whack! There she is, looking at me with her hand poised over my face. It took a few more times before I realized it was all intentional and I was not meant to fall asleep. So I gave up and stayed up.

She finally fell asleep around five and Scott came out to see how we were doing and he fell asleep on the couch. And I just thought, great, everyone gets to sleep but me. So not fair. Every time i look at this picture, I feel so jealous.

Sleepy time


Mike May 2, 2008 at 10:41 AM  

you should have slipped her a mickey, maybe some nyquil or something. Till she gets used to sleeping there.

Scott Sunaoka May 2, 2008 at 12:58 PM  

i don't know why you can't sleep. so easy. look at lauren, just showing you how it's done (of course i'm being a good example too)

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