Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day! whatever

My family can be so frustrating...they're not very helpful. I guess I should have learned that by now but I keep forgetting. I tend to just do things myself and limit what they have to contribute but...even then, they still manage to throw wrenches in the loop. It got to me this past weekend and I was getting so frustrated that i just wanted to cry. I really did have flashbacks to my wedding which made me remember why I got so mad at certain family members.

It bothered me so much that I woke up early for work on Sunday morning and after thinking about it for a while, I called my dad at 7:30. He was in the middle of brushing his teeth but I just stated that I was disappointed in the way he and my siblings had not come through on some things and that I didn't expect them to help, just not make things harder. I ended with "and in the future, you guys need to be more on it." He said ok and I let him get off the phone to finish brushing his teeth.

It took about 3.5 hours before it hit me in the middle of nowhere. Oh, it was Father's Day. Damnit, I felt so bad. I immediately called him...

"Dad: hello

Me (apologetically): Happy Father's Day

Dad: whatever. are you calling to nag again(except replace "nag" with the b-word)?"

Poor poor dad. He said when i called the first time at seven thirty in the morning, he thought to himself 'oh, there's keao the responsible one, always first to remember.'

So, anyway, I owe my dad a big "Happy Father's Day" filled with love. He's been such a great dad. He used to always take us to the beach, probably because it was free. Your birthday? We're going to the beach. It's a holiday? We're going to the beach. One time, he blew up those yellow and blue boats that have the plastic oars and put my baby sister in those flotation frog things and towed her behind with a rope. We paddled in the ocean from our house in Hilo to Richardson's beach, which is like paddling from Magic Island to Kaka'ako and back. He had the lifeguards on the beaches freaking out shrieking on their whistles as he paddled us by. He had us when he was real young. He admits now that he might have endangered our safety with his antics on several occasions. Got to love him.

Me and Dad (1979)


Scott Sunaoka June 16, 2008 at 6:03 PM  

whoa! what's with the topless picture? so scandalous. sorry about your family frustrations.

Anonymous June 17, 2008 at 1:27 AM  

yuppers sorry bout the frustrations, haha it doesn't seem like family would be family if they didn't frustrate you. Hang in there, and nice almost save on the father's day. I totally spaced it out until scott sent that text message that said something about it and dinner at BCD.

Joy June 18, 2008 at 1:27 PM  

Whoops! Nice save there. From the sound of your other post it's been crazy all over. Hope it's getting better.

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