Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Musings of a Sunday Night

Random thoughts for tonight:
I was on news footage on several channels for a very very tragic event that still makes me cry when I drive by the highway sometimes. There is footage of me dusting a railing for fingerprints and it looks like I'm smiling, which I swear I was not. I got a lot of comments about it and people who offered to pray for me. One sweet woman even brought me flowers and I started to cry again when she hugged me. But then there is the voicemail message from my mother... here is an excerpt

"...I saw you on the news, baby girl. I didn't think it was reason to call considering the circumstances (and yet the call)...
I just wanted to say I love you. I love you. I love you. (oh that's sweet. I really..oh wait, she is still going)...
This might be silly but, I hope you remember to wear sunblock.
You're not the most tan person.
You should wear know, you've had enough experiences with being burned...anyways, I love you..."
Sigh, memories of being mocked by my entire family growing up for being little snow white. Apparently, it never ends.
Moment 2: Scott and I were talking about our wedding photos again(by Nely Fok) because he finally showed his mom the pictures. And as we discussed our favorite pictures, Scott says " I really love the pictures of your grandpa and my grandpa." I nodded in agreement. Scott : " I think because there's so much texture in the picture. You know, they're all wrinkly and stuff"
Hee hee, i am so emailing my grandpa with that story.
Photo 1: Sailor Moon

Lauren 12 months 026
Photo 2: I think this picture is so cute because she looks like she's dwarfed by the chair.

Photo 3: A Montage if you will
PS. I bought her that sweater from Gymboree and I remember telling the saleslady that my sister probably wouldn't like it because it was "haole" clothing. So far, at the past family events, I've seen my Lauren in a filipino-like fuschia and green dress or a bob marley onesie. So, when I returned Lauren I just kept the sweater in my car. I did get a call from my sister demanding to know where it was and she emphatically told me "hello, of course I like haole clothes, i give all my kids haole names." I didn't understand it completely but I will return it promptly.


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