Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Happy New Years!!!

Hi, I'm Lauren, I like to lick my pillow and eat cheerios off the ground. = )

I'm not kidding about the licking pillow thing. I showed this nifty little trick to Scott and Lisa S. I put Lauren in her carseat and told them to "watch this." Lauren is just sitting there with her big brown eyes staring at us staring at her. Then I plop her little Elmo pillow in her lap and in 0.35 seconds, she leans forward, sticks out her tongue and licks away. And she won't stop until she falls asleep or you take her out of the car seat. She's weird that way.
Hmmmm, this if my first New Year's that I don't have a list of Resolutions all ready to go. I'll have to think about it. It has been a super busy 2008 and I'm already $10,000 dollars in the hole. We were sitting out in the church courtyard at the end of the Sunday 8 am church service. I was trying to eat my breakfast before I had to report to a children's church meeting. I handed Scott my dirty napkin and he said he could throw it in the trash can...the trash can was about 30 feet away. Um, there's no chance in the world. Plus, it's a little napkin, my mind was working furiously trying to weigh the laws of physics with the force needed to propel that napkin through strong headwinds. Ooooh, I see easy money.
I told him, "I'll take that bet and I'll give you 100 to 1 odds"
Scott: "Okay, I'll bet you five dollars."
Me: "I'll bet you five dollars!!! Wait, I want $100 dollars, I just want to bet so that I get $100 dollars WHEN you lose."
Scott: That means I get ten thousand dollars if I make it.
Me: Whatever! Deal
Then he threw it and it was like slow motion. Time slowed down. I remember turning my head and then having this weird fear that he was going to palm the napkin and try to outsmart me so I just stared at his hand. But everyone around me started cheering and they said...they SAID he made it. I didn't believe them and I ran over and saw a napkin in the trash can but, heck, hello, I'm sure there are plenty of used napkins already in the trash can. But I guess I have to believe. Everyone vouched for Scott...he is a pastor and we did happen to be at church with God-fearing people. I don't know...I still don't want to accept that he actually made it and I didn't even get to see it. $10,000...we're working out an installment plan.
Hey you all!!! Welcome to 2008!!!


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