Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Jen and Frank's Wedding

Following the island-wide power outage, Scott and I went straight from a lunch birthday party for my niece, Lauren, to a formal-clad celebration of Jen and Frank's wedding. Frank and Jen are high school sweethearts and seem to have been literally just waiting to be old enough to make a lifelong commitment. Jen just graduated with her college degree and Frank now works on staff at Hope Chapel as the junior high pastor.

Scott and I were really late as we drove into Waikiki when we saw Carl, Kanani, and Stanton in the car ahead of us pulling into the parking garage. Let's just say that someone was beeping their horn and yelling and someone else was giving the bird. I'll give you a hint...neither was me.

Fortunately, the wedding ceremony didn't start until well after we arrived. I have never been to the Crystal Chapel but I remember hearing that Jen always knew that's where she wanted to get married. It was small and quaint so we squished ourselves in the back against the door.

These are just my photographs I snapped with my work camera (hey, we were told to practice with it). The wedding was professionally photographed by Marina Miller of Red Heart Photography. She's an absolutely amazing photographer who also photographed the wedding of Jen and Frank's officiant. I had a chance to meet her at that wedding when we were sitting on the same table. I was watching her work (okay, only slightly stalker-sounding) during the ceremony and I really don't know how she seems so calm and collected. I know the thing nowadays is to have a second shooter or carry two bodies but she breezed through it solo. I saw a sneak peek on her blog. Damn, she's so good. And she's absolutely the sweetest thing.


(Pastor Scott, Pastor Stanton, Pastor Kanani, and Pastor Carl)

The jr and high school kiddies

(I thought it was so endearing a third of the crowd was from Jen and Frank's ministry)

Crystal Chapel at the Hilton Hawaiian Village

Crystal Chapel ceremony

(The day that was 8 years in the making)

the aisle flowers

During the prayer

Pastor Tom, the high school pastor, was the officiant. He just had his own wedding back in June of this year and Jen was a bridesmaid. Tom and his wife, Grace, did the decorations in the reception hall. No pictures there...I was too busy eating and trying to get Scott to dance.Personal vows

(during their personal vows)

Most couples decline when asked if they want to do their own vows. Frank looked like he was fighting back tears during his vow. I didn't even hear Jen's. She leaned into him, looked him in the eye, and whispered her vows to him. It was obvious that they were sharing that moment and reveling in the commitment they were making, it was so endearing.

Streaming sunlight

The happy bride and groom

(the trendy couple)

Scott and Haley

(Scott with his second favorite girl-Haley)

Rob, Deb, and Haley

(Rob and Deb and their grand-daughter, Haley)

Hope Chapel Men

(some of the men of Hope Chapel: Rob, Scott, Carl, Frank, Tom, Stanton, and Trevor)


Scott Sunaoka January 1, 2009 at 6:14 PM  

i like the picture on the bottom. stay tuned for our men of hope chapel swimsuit calendar available in 2010 (after i do 100 sit ups a day!). great pictures keao!

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