Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Part 2 of 2

I'm so tired...I only slept two hours yesterday. Just so much to do and I have a hard time falling asleep knowing how hard it is going to be when you have to wake up in the middle of a deep sleep. Scott is on vacation so its so nice that when I'm actually home, he's home too. Today he helped with the children's worship team practice. They're so cute...I took pics, I'll blog after their christmas performances this weekend.

I can't believe that Christmas is coming up in two weeks christmas shopping even attempted. We're not going to get a Christmas tree this year to cuts some corners...that's probably the biggest disappointment. Maybe next year we'll get two. And there's not much room in our budget at all so we're just going to pray and make may expect some beautiful hand-made Christmas cards decorated with crayon masterpieces this Christmas. Nah, we'll be creative and you will love it.

These pics are for my family...the last installment from our thanksgiving family reunion. Pray for my dad, after months of spotty jobs with his construction crew, he was laid off three weeks ago. Such a common story amongst people we know in our islands, it's tough times. The thing I love and admire about my dad is his faith. It's not a blind irresponsible faith, he's resourceful and hard-working but he's not beat down or discouraged. He really trusts in God.

She's not even two yet!!!

(Lauren was really fascinated with Papa Jim's mustache...probably not used to seeing that much gray!!!)

Lauren loves Papa Jim's mustache
(Jordan and his girlfriend, Caroline, holding Cassandra's twins. I think the twins became completely spoiled in that three day vacation...they never touched the ground)

My brother, his girlfriend, and our nieces
(What's more cute, that they are holding hands or that they are both watching tv intently?)

I'll be there to hold your hand

(Papa Jim looks a little distracted while trying to watch football. Notice Lauren nail him with her stuffed "Nemo.")

Papa Jim has his hands full


Scott Sunaoka December 8, 2008 at 1:45 PM  

it's amazing that i see lauren fairly regularly and she hates me yet she sees papa jim once a year (so maybe 3 times total) and she's in love with him. maybe i should grow back my moustache.

keao December 9, 2008 at 12:59 AM  


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