Friday, December 12, 2008

The calm after the storm

I'm five in the morning...and its eerily quiet. Yesterday's monster winds and gushing rainfall has finally abated. I just had my two nights off and, yesterday, I woke up at four in the morning. I was feeling super productive so I started doing laundrey which meant I had to carefully slide through the pool of water on the back patio in my rubba slippahs. I also couldn't close the glass door in the back so I had to blast the TV to hear it over the thunderous rain. I got an IM from one our friends, Abbey. It is her first Christmas in Hawaii and she asked if this was normal for Hawaii. I told her this was our "Hawaiian Snow." Enjoy.

Then our power went in the middle of my watching TV/working on my computer/washing clothes/drying clothes. Agh, it was so sad. Scott and I spent the rest of the day in darkness until about five pm. We tried to think of all the things to do that didn't require electricity. I realized how dependant we are on electricity. Because of the storm, it was very dark even in the middle of the day. We decorated our Christmas tree with lights and our seven was pretty hard to without being able to see where we were putting the lights in the dim living room. We're trying to get an ornament every time we visit someplace so our tree looks pretty sparse. We had to spread them all out on the side of the tree that faces the door, about 1/4 of the tree surface.

So, we ended up leaving and trying to run errands in the rest of town that had electricity. We got to see the Garland's infamous Leaning Tower of Christmas Tree and visit Mike, Liz, and Haley. I had some pictures from her last month milestone. All in all, it was a great day off!!

Haley's Thanksgiving/Fall Session (taken on location at HCKB church)

No smile, but I love this one!!!

Aaagh, she's escaping

Props "borrowed" from church's decorations

Tugging along

Love this lighting, so peaceful

Takes a break from her cracker to pose

Taking a smile break from eating

Tonight is the first Hope Chapel Kaneohe Bay Children's Church Christmas special music. My choir/worship team will be at all the services. It's going to be a fast-paced weekend. =)


Scott Sunaoka December 13, 2008 at 1:13 AM  

i think you captured haley's eyes beautifully!

keao December 14, 2008 at 1:09 AM  

thanks Scottie!!! When are you going to blog again?

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