Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sneak Peek: Kacie's Maternity

So, let's see. Those who have taken it upon themselves to police my "Live with Less" challenge (see previous post)...I'm only trying to meet the three bolded goals.

I'm realistic...those three are a big enough challenge for me. But I appreciate the friendly scoldings I've gotten from like John-John when I try to buy lunch from McDonalds. But (said sweetly) back off, JJ, I want my fries and ice cream!!! =) I try to plan anything I can for the hours of 4 to 6 to fill in those two empty hours without a tv or computer. I sprained my ankle last week and I'm still hobbling around so it definitely puts a damper on any real activities. Scott seems to think we've switched the two hours of tv time for two hours of daily napping. But I really like the challenge so far. Try it with us, people!!! You can come over and we all sit together in my quiet living room. And I've been sticking to the <8 minute showers but I wonder if it counts because I've been averaging two showers a day.

I did sprain my ankle a week ago. Stupid running. That'll teach me to run ever. And this weekend was pretty busy with two family shoots. I usually try to space them out but timing wouldn't allow it. So, what a blessing, that God brought me a second shooter in the form of my super awesome friend, Joy. After visiting family in Ohio for a vacation that extended to SIX MONTHS, she finally returned to us. And she came to help me carry props and get more shots as I hobbled around the beach getting sand stuck to the velcro of my ankle brace. Hey, people really luck out when I can bribe her into tagging along, they get two for the price of one. And she's just a sweetheart who charms people while I'm off the to the side staring at my LCD display and grunting at the controls. It's a a great partnership.

This is just a quick sneak peek from a maternity/family shoot we did at Kalama Beach Park. I can't wait to blog about it since it was made even more colorful by my husband and our good friends tagging along so they could play in the surf at the same time. Here's a hint...me crouching in the vines and bushes.... squinting through my camera to get the shot of the couple kissing on a sandy path under the outstretched branches of two framing trees with the sky and ocean behind them...which is right when my husband choosed to rise out of the surf directly behind the couple with water glistening off his studly bare (and hairy) chest and bright yellow surf shorts. Suh-weet!!!

This was at the end of the session after we had dragged them all over the beach and I asked "hey, I know you're pregnant and all...but how would you like to lie down on the sand in a dress?" Thank goodness Kacie rocks...because she said yes and I got my favorite picture. The ocean and sky was so pretty that it almost looks like a painting.

By the sea


Joy June 17, 2009 at 1:36 PM  

Aww you're so sweet. You hardly have to bribe me at all, I love doing it so much I'd do it for free... hmmmm, maybe we shouldn't spread that around :) I can't wait to see the rest of them. I love the preview. It's awesome. Like you said the background is amazing but I think my fav part is the little bit of sand on her elbow.

Scott Sunaoka June 17, 2009 at 3:16 PM  

what, only one picture? i think that joy should pay you for all the real-world photography experience you're giving her :)

plus, the aurios should be stoked to have me in the background. i'm a welcome addition to anything!

Joy June 18, 2009 at 1:18 AM  

Haha Scott, considering that because I went you got to go swimming and didn't have to carry around your darling wife's things I think you should being paying me ;)

keao June 19, 2009 at 3:05 PM  

whoa, you two, can't you just get along. And seriously, you both should be paying me every time I mention your names in my blog. Free publicity!!!

Anonymous June 20, 2009 at 2:36 AM  

I was hoping to see the bright yellow shorts dat got in the way..sounded pretty funny...but so glad to read ur blogs...scott is pretty much slacking in dat area...nuttin to read on his except his helpful hints on wat he wants for his bday...lol ok keep up the good job keao!!! plus jus wanted to comment on oprahs challenge i tink i pretty much do everything she challaged except for the eating all the meals at home part....lol dina

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