Sunday, June 21, 2009

Family: Robert and Amy with their kids

Who: Robert, Amy, Manly "M" and Sweet "M"
Where: Waimanalo Beach Park
When: Monday afternoon in June

This is a "Joy and Light Production" as I was joined by my lovely second shooter Joy Pishcura. The Stanleys contacted me after seeing our mutual and dear friend Bow's maternity session followed by a newborn session with her adorable daughter. The Stanleys have been in our islands for years but are now moving to Nebraska. Wow!!! I couldn't think of two more radically different places. They wanted some family photographs on the beach that would always serve as a reminder of their days living in paradise.

I'll be honest, I was a little nervous because I knew they were a military family. Although I know tons of military families and they are just all sweethearts, I still always have this niggling fear that the dad will be a drill seargant barking out commands to start running in place and do one-arm pushups. As soon as the family tumbled out of their van and greeted us warmly with these ear-to-ear smiles, I knew this was going to be fun. And boy, was it fun. Not only did the dad, Robert, not put us through drills on the sand, he was more of a kid himself as he chased his son through the sand and surf. The kids were so photogenic, I did get a little carried away with them. They both have these striking blue eyes (I'm so jealous, I always wanted blue eyes). Both their names start with "M," as apparently, four or so more cousins do as well. So I'll call them Manly "M" and Sweet "M." Sweet "M" had just recently lost some of her front teeth, oh I remember those days. They both turned out to be avid tree climbers and adventuresome. I think they wanted to do the whole session up in the trees. You could see how much love this family have. They were always hugging each other or laughing at someone's jokes.

This was at the tail-end of my sprained ankle week. But this family were so fun and creative, the adrenaline took over and I was running around the beach...totally forgetting about my ankle. All I felt was excitement. They were such a sweet family, which I shouldn't be surprised at since they're friends with Bow (completely made of sugar and spice). I can't help but be a little sad that they're moving away and Hawaii loses an awesome 'ohana.

(I overheard Sweet "M" asking "Why is she taking pictures of our feet?" I had to giggle)
Stanley Ohana (85)

Storyboard blog trees

My favorite of the day

Blog storyboard

She recently lost two teeth

A candid moment

Blog storyboard

Love is kind

Portraits of a sweet family

Watch the surf

All pau with the day


Scott Sunaoka June 21, 2009 at 11:56 PM  

that last picture is a winner. i bet they could frame that one and put it on their wall.

Joy June 23, 2009 at 12:31 AM  

Yea Joy and Light! You are too kind my friend. They were such a awesome family. They made it easy. I love how mom told me that Manly "M" didn't want to do it. That they bribed him by telling him they were taking the pictures at the beach. I think he was sad when he had to go.

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