Thursday, June 11, 2009

She's Back!!!

I was just thinking that it's been a while since I had a session with one of my favorite models, little HB. This cute little girl with blue eyes, chubby cheeks, and heart-shaped smile just shines in photographs. Her mom wanted to update her pics so I met HB and her dad, Mike, at Kalama Beach Park. Scott came along so he and Mike sat together shaded from the afternoon sun and, they talk at least once or twice every day. Sheesh. Haley and I roamed the grass and sandy shore. Sixteen month olds will give you a work out. I discovered that she loves loves LOVES the sand. She literally just spread out on her stomach and dug her hands and feet into the sand. It was hilarious.

I think this is a challenging age to photograph toddlers because they're mobile and their attention span is 1.8 seconds long. I'd run, sprawl out on the grass, hold the camera up...bam, too late, she's up and moved away 7 feet already. A lot of it was predicting what direction she might go in next and running to get there ahead of her. Patience. Patience will always pay off. It's advantageous that I love kids and have babysat HB before so she's comfortable with me. I sometimes consider children's sessions half-babysitting. I spend half the time just playing with toys and games with them and when I catch a moment, I take a picture. I wonder if I should just advertise that...babysitting-with-some-photography-involved sessions.

haley at the beach

Haley at 16 months

haley blog 3

haley blog 4

haley blog 2

haley blog 1

Fun in the sand

haley at the beach

I'm sitting here with my ankle propped up. I hadn't worked out much in May so I was trying to get back on the right track. I go to a boot-camp style workout at our church with my husband...and I totally rolled my ankle while we were running in the parking lot. I'm a klutz, I've sprained my ankles tons of time. Yesterday, I could only get around by crutches or by crawling (I'm now thinking I really want to sweep and mop our house floors), but it's already tons better. Now I can put more weight on it. It's really nice to have Scott be such an attentive nurse. He took a day off from work yesterday to be my nurse and take care of our dog, Charlie, who just had surgery. Scott is so unbelievable helpful although his enthusiasm has waned a little. Hee hee.


Scott Sunaoka June 11, 2009 at 7:37 PM  

waning enthusiasm? i'll be honest, it's mostly gone. good thing you're a quick healer and you're so mobile now.

but anyway, the lighting on some of these pictures are great! keep it up!

Joy June 14, 2009 at 12:03 AM  

I felt a little guilty after you asked me about if I read your post so I made sure I read it right away ;)

I totally think you should go with the babysitting/photography idea. Might as well say it as it is. I think if parents really thought about it this way they would be lining up.

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