Saturday, January 10, 2009

Haley's First Christmas

We barely scraped in time to do Haley's Christmas session. Her proud papa asked that it get done sometime in November, and I just made it. Liz brought her over on New Year's Eve. It's been overcast for all of December and I don't have anything that really suffices as an indoor studio. So, I pushed our dining room table into the corner and taped Christmas paper to the wall, and then played around a LOT in photoshop to work out the color and white balance.

The other challenge was Haley's quick mobility. She wasn't interested at all in sitting still. We had to start feeding her mum mum crackers non-stop. Then we took her outside for a change in scenery.


Scott Sunaoka January 10, 2009 at 2:26 PM  

that last picture of her is the most adorable. it's neat to see her transformation during her first year. i also can't believe that those pictures were taken in our dining room.

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