Friday, March 27, 2009

Wedding: T and B north shore

What: Wedding of Tiffany and Bill
Where: North shore of Oahu's coast
When: March 20th, 2009, 4:00 pm

Scott and I had the chance to work together again. A local wedding planner requested our services, this time on the north shore at Kawela Bay. Scott and I have never been there. He drove, 1) cause I like when he drives and 2) because I was still half asleep having to cut my sleep in half to get to this wedding on time. We drove past the acces path the first time, probably thrown off by the "No trespassing" signs posted over the fence.

The sun was blazing overhead which I thoroughly dislike for photos because it's too harsh. I tried using my flash as a fill flash but it just kept blowing out the exposure. I am watching a lighting DVD and am trying to learn, but when the pressure is on and time is running out, you start getting frantic. However, before the ceremony, I took pictures of the flower girl and bride in the shade of a banyon grove and I loved it. For the formal pictures, I had scott hold a screen to provide some shade and relief to the wedding party.

There was a man there playing ukulele and singing accompaniment music for the ceremony. The ceremony was really small and quick so he was finished after like 20 he just kept playing while I took pictures of the bride and groom and family. It was really nice...mood music. I sang harmony (softly of course so only I could hear). After we were finished, he came up and turns out he was my classmate from Farrington upper campus. He said "i know you never recognize me cause I was wearing da sunglasses. I'm the one with da nice eyes. See, still got em!!!" And he pulled off his shades to reveal green eyes. Scott and I thought that was funny. It's true, at a school with all part-Hawaiian, green or blue eyes really distinguished you.

I finally put up $24 bucks for the next year to upgrade my flickr account just so I can control the sizes of the images I blog. On the free account, you're only given three sizes and if you try to resize it, you risk getting pixelly. I've finally learned that the web only cares about pixel size, not inches. So all these images are 800 pixels on the long side. Finally, after how long, I've learned. It was just freaky because on high resolution, 800 pixels wide means that these photos are only like an inch high.

T & B: the wedding party gearing for a swim

T&B: an adorable flower girl

T&B: flower girl and her flowers

T & B: a beautiful bride in a banyon grove

T & B: The bouquet

T&B: with this ring I thee wed

T&B: the most relaxed wedding guest ever

T&B: the wedding aprty

T&B: laughter and love

I'll post soon about a cooking mishap. Stay tuned.


Scott Sunaoka March 27, 2009 at 1:27 AM  

the picture of the flower girl in the beginning looks fantastic. i especially liked the one with the three of them together also because you can really see the color of their eyes. it was really, really hot that day and holding up that screen thing sucked too because all i could feel was the sweat dripping down my back. gross!!!

Joy March 28, 2009 at 4:29 PM  

So nice! I think I like the baby picture best. I love how you can just catch a image of a little girl in the background. Don't ask me why but I really like it. The flower girl is adorable.

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