Monday, March 23, 2009

Wedding: Sneak Peek of Tiffany and Bill

Wedding of Tiffany and Bill
Where: North Shore, Oahu
When: March 20th, 2009 at 4 pm

Flower shower

This was the flower girl, I believe she was the groom's daughter. This was in the banyan grove between the road and the beach. This was before the ceremony so I didn't want her to waste or dirty too many flower petals. So, she only tossed about four in the air and I cloned/copied the petals to create a shower. It was a little easier because the background was blurred enough so the petals had a defined outline. I used the magnetic lasso tool to trace around a petal, copied it to a new layer...then moved and distorted the size and angle of the petal. Repeat a couple times.

I played around with this trick with Sammie's confetti shower. There was a light background so I copied/cloned groups of stars and spread them around. Sometimes I would rotate or invert the group. Here's a game, draw circles around similar heard me. Pick up that permanent pen and go to it. I'm sure you can figure a way to scrape it off the computer screen later.

Confetti shower right in the eye


Joy March 23, 2009 at 9:06 AM  

What a cutie! Beautiful picture. You know if you hadn't said anything I would have never guessed!

Scott Sunaoka March 23, 2009 at 12:56 PM  

great, now i have wite-out all over my computer screen. i think you owe me a new screen.

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