Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Where have I been?

I want to blog. I wish there was more time...Here's a list of the stuff that I need/want to devote more time

-reading Bible and journaling daily (this maybe happens once a week)
-practicing the bass guitar (haven't done this in a month)
-practicing the regular guitar (I did spend some time this past two weeks practicing)
-learning how to use my new camera finally
-emailing people back!!!
-starting to jog again regularly

Here's the high hopes list
-go surfing again and wash the cobwebs off my board
-revise my photography website
-paint our kitchen
-save the world

Not only am I behind in this blog, but now my roommie, Tricia, has roped me into this getting fit and healthy and I'm supposed to blog that every day. That will make blog #4 for me. Oh geez louise.


Scott Sunaoka September 2, 2009 at 2:32 PM  

you can do it! the good thing about things you used to do is that you can always go back. i'll try not to weigh you down with other little silly things so you can get to what's important (like playing the guitar).

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