Monday, August 10, 2009

Coming home

So, I'm in LA. Scott didn't want us to put that on the internet in case our scandalous blog readers (you, John-John,...oh, and you, Joy) read it and decide to burglarize our house. Well, we're on our way home and I feel pretty safe since Dural is house-sitting for us. Come on, Dural's arms need a permit or something.

I had so much fun but I'm also pretty excited to go home. I'm such a homebody. I will post again...with pictures. I just have to wait for Scott to download the pics off his camera since I didn't bring one. I just didn't have room. I hate traveling so all my luggage room was taken up with various media to occupy the flying hours.

We took the overnight flight to LA and it was about 5 hours long. I can't sleep on the plane, so I brought my computer, a DVD player, two books, my own personal pillow, a blanket, snacks, soda, and two magazines on the plane. I couldn't even move, I was cocooned by my belongings. But I think I used almost everything since it was a long flight and no one else stayed awake to entertain me. I even had to ration my water intake since I was on a window seat and both Scott and stranger in aisle seat were both completely out. I was trapped. Let's not forget the family of five in the row behind us with the crying infant and the little girl who kept kicking my chair in her sleep. I couldn't get mad. My heart went out to the mom who was trying to calm the little baby boy. But the rest of the trip was tons more fun. I hope I have time to get back to blogging it once we get back to our "normal lives."

I'm also wishing Joy a "Happy Birthday" just a day early. Girl, how are you celebrating?


Joy August 11, 2009 at 1:44 AM  

Yea a blog. I've missed you!

You know I would totally burgle your house ;) Now that I think about it I think the reason Dural always wears tank tops is that he won't get arrested for carrying concealed weapons!

I can so understand that not be able to sleep on the plane. No matter how tired I am I can never fall asleep. And because I usually travel alone I don't want to take anything to make me sleep.

Thanks for the birthday wishes. I haven't decided what I'm going to do other go to my friend's house for dinner. Maybe I'll get a tattoo ;)

Unknown August 11, 2009 at 2:32 AM  

Happy Birthday to Joy!!!
Flor (

Scott Sunaoka August 11, 2009 at 8:02 PM  

yay, we're home. boo, we're back at work.

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